For those of you who don't know, the snatch test for the RKC is being able to snatch a 24kg (53pd) kettlebell 100 times in 5 minutes. This is a major feat for me considering I only weigh 165 pounds and I'm 6ft tall. Add to that the fact that I only really started training with the 24kg 3 weeks ago. I really concentrated on getting the snatch technique down before I really got my volume in. I could only do about 10 snatches at all when I started. I tore my left hand some, but other than that I feel great. I was setting the bell down as the timer went off, but I know I can shorten that time by October 9th.
My training for these three weeks has just consisted of snatching every other day just about. I have taken two or three days off in some instances where I felt like I needed the extra recovery. I over-analyzed a little bit trying to figure out what exercises to do in order to increase my snatch ability, then just said screw it all and just snatch. So I started doing 100 to 120 without timing myself and taking good rest periods to near full recovery before going again. I then started testing myself to see if I could make pace. I started with doing 20 snatches in 1 minute, then went on to 40 in two minutes, and 60 in 3 minutes. When it came time to test for 80 in 4 minutes, I just decided I was ready and went for the 5 in 100. I did it, I made it.
My plan from here forward is to do other exercise to maintain my fitness and only do the snatches one more time. I'm going to do the 100 in 5 minutes once more (with gloves to save my hands), and that's it until test time at the RKC. I have to say the snatch has been a true test for me in many ways, it's an awesome exercise. Thanks again Tim!
It was all you man. You worked hard. Congratulations.